Sclerotherapy Post-Care Tips

Sclerotherapy The decision to get sclerotherapy can be lifechanging. After your healthcare provider performs a sclerotherapy procedure, you will notice a marked decrease in the visibility of your varicose veins. Sclerotherapy can boost your confidence for that very reason. You will want to follow a few post-care guidelines after your procedure, so you can enjoy optimal results. Below is the advice from sclerotherapy post-care professionals.

What to Do After a Sclerotherapy Procedure

Wear Compression Socks

Immediately after your session for varicose vein treatment, wear compression socks for 24 hours. You should wear compression socks for seven days, 24 hours each day. Your compression socks should be high enough to cover the site of your injections. Therefore, if your healthcare provider made injections into your thighs, you should wear thigh-high compression socks. If the injection site was not above your knees, you may wear knee-high compression socks instead.

Clean the Site of the Injections

Although sclerotherapy is a minimally-invasive procedure, you should clean the site of your injections. Despite the fact your healthcare provider uses a small needle for this procedure, the puncture wound is still susceptible to infection if it is not cared for properly. Bacteria can settle into the site. Cleaning the site often reduces the risk of bacterial infection.

Avoid Direct Exposure to High Heat

Your skin is vulnerable immediately after this procedure. High levels of heat can damage your skin or worsen the appearance of your veins. Recall that the appearance of your veins will darken temporarily. Bruising is natural. However, exposing the site to high heat, especially for an extended period, can make the darker appearance permanent. Therefore, avoid direct exposure to the sun, tanning beds, and saunas.

Enjoy Great Sclerotherapy Results from Metropolitan Vascular Institute

Sclerotherapy is a long-held, trusted procedure to reduce the appearance of varicose veins. As with all medical procedures, there are steps you can take to increase the chances of a successful session. The first step occurs pre-session, and it involves selecting experienced sclerotherapy doctors, such as the sclerotherapy doctors at MVI. Call us today at 301-979-7078 to set up an appointment or learn more about sclerotherapy post-care recommendations.

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