I’m Having Trouble in The Bathroom

A man sits in an office chair and holds on to the groin 300x200 1 Going to the restroom should be easy and require minimal effort. Unfortunately, many people have trouble urinating as they get older. While difficulty urinating is common with age, some instances require professional intervention. Our staff here at the Metropolitan Vascular Institute is dedicated to helping you get answers to complex issues and addressing your health concerns. If you’ve been experiencing problems while going to the bathroom, don’t fret. Here are a few possible causes behind your bathroom struggles and how we can help.

Enlarged Prostate

For many men, the hidden cause behind trouble going to the bathroom can be traced back to having an enlarged prostate. The prostate is a small, walnut-sized gland that produces the fluid in semen. When the prostate becomes enlarged, it can make it challenging to complete urination, causing symptoms such as

  • Urine retention
  • A weak urine stream
  • Trouble starting a urination stream
  • An overworked bladder

Neurological Issues

Another factor that could cause struggles in the bathroom can relate to neurological disorders. Those who suffer from issues with their neurological system can experience complications, including poor urination.

Neurological disorders that can affect urinary functions can include

Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Fowler’s Syndrome

For women who struggle with retaining urine, their issues may be related to Fowler’s syndrome. This condition is rare, and experts believe that the sphincter’s inability to relax contributes to the problem. The pain from Fowler’s Syndrome can be debilitating, making it difficult to go about everyday tasks.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections have many causes and can affect both men and women. Urinary tract infections can impact the ability to urinate, making you retain urine and causing pain.

Our Treatments For Urinary Issues

Here at Metropolitan Vascular institute, we provide many innovative treatments that can help address your issues, helping to restore your urinary functions and provide relief. We can handle a variety of needs by utilizing Prostate Artery Embolization, Nephrostomy Catheter Placement, or Exchange, Suprapubic Catheter Placement, and others. The first step in finding out how we can help you is to call our office. Schedule a consultation with our Waldorf office by calling us today at 301) 374-8540.

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