While a diagnosis of cancer can be scary, the process of treatment doesn’t have to be. At Metropolitan Vascular Institute in Waldorf, MD, we provide a wide range of services that can make receiving treatment easy. One way in which we can do this is by providing solutions such as mediports.
What is a mediport?
A mediport, or “port,” is a device that a doctor can place under the skin on either the arm or the chest. This device connects to a catheter that is connected with the larger, central veins in the body that carry blood to the heart. The mediport makes it easier or a doctor and nurse to administer certain medications directly into the bloodstream, including chemotherapy. Instead of receiving an IV every time a patient receives treatment, they will instead have the medication administered directly through the mediport for optimum comfort. In addition to providing chemotherapy, a mediport can also be used for blood transfusions or draws. This may be best for patients who have regular infusions or blood work performed. The mediport can stay in place for many years or just a few months, depending on the needs of the patient and the progression of their condition.
Why should I choose a mediport?
A mediport is often recommended by the professional team at Metropolitan Vascular Institute for several different reasons. First and foremost, it eliminates the need for regular needles used on the skin for treatments or diagnostics. It also makes it easier for the medical team to administer chemotherapy or medications directly into the bloodstream for faster results. Patients will find that the mediport makes many aspects of their care easier and more comfortable.
Call the Metropolitan Vascular Institute to find out if you could benefit from a mediport
Our team of professionals offers a range of services for patients in the area of Waldorf, MD who have been diagnosed with cancer. If you are considering the benefits of a mediport, call (301) 374-8540 to schedule an appointment with our team at 3015 Technology Place, Suite #100. We accept new and established patients ready to seek care and treatment after their cancer diagnosis.