Research has continually pointed to the value of a good night’s sleep for optimal health and performance. Still, it is easy to get caught up in the daily busy-ness of work-school-family cycles. Sleep is often the last item on our to-do list, even when we can sense the physiological and emotional gravity of our own fatigue. There is no benefit to working to a place of burnout. There is, however, immense benefit to be gained by prioritizing sleep. By sleep, we mean a good 7 to 9 hours every night. Your body will be the best guide to the amount of sleep you need, so listen to it.
Physical activity is essential to optimal health. it directly relates to vascular health because it enhances the movement of blood from the heart into the body. The contraction of muscles in the lower legs helps reduce the risk of varicose veins and venous insufficiency. The acceleration of blood pressure can also have a positive impact on the risk of peripheral artery disease and other vascular conditions.
Stress Management
If you’ve been reading and listening in on the latest health data, you may be well aware of the dangers of unmanaged stress. The effects of stress on the body increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as several other potentially critical health conditions. We cannot expect to live stress-free lives. However, we can develop the skills that will help us navigate stressful situations. Meditation has been identified as one of the leading methods of reducing stress. It can sound intimidating, but it needn’t be complicated. Guided meditations can be found online or on smartphone apps. Additional options to reduce stress include walking in nature, swimming, coloring or drawing, and even working in a garden. What works for you may be entirely different. The important point is that it works.
Metropolitan Vascular Institute offers a wide variety of services from our comfortable office in Waldorf, MD. Contact us at (301) 374-8540 to schedule your visit.