Exploring Hemorrhoid Treatment: What Are Your Options?

hemorrhoid treatment Roughly half of those 50 and older in the United States are afflicted with hemorrhoids, which can lead to symptoms like rectal pain, discomfort when sitting, constipation, blood in the stool, and anal swelling and itchiness. If these symptoms have eroded your quality of life, consider exploring these hemorrhoid treatment options.

Hemorrhoid Removal

A hemorrhoidectomy detaches the hemorrhoid surgically to eliminate pain. The procedure is recommended if your hemorrhoids have caused health complications or are frequently recurring and medication hasn’t helped.

Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy

Throughout a stapled hemorrhoidectomy, commonly referred to as stapling, the blood supply to the hemorrhoid tissue is restricted, causing the internal hemorrhoids to fade. You can expect to recover from this procedure in approximately one week, allowing you to resume your normal activities sooner.


Through bipolar, laser, or infrared coagulation, heat and light cause the surrounding blood vessels to clot, so they can’t supply the hemorrhoid with fresh blood. The treatment is short, taking about 10 minutes, and doesn’t require full sedation. You have to avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting while in recovery for several days but can otherwise resume life activities quickly.


During sclerotherapy, a medical specialist will insert a chemical near the hemorrhoid that causes scarring. Over time, the hemorrhoid will shrink. If you’ve been diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids at a grade 1 or 2 level, ask your doctor about this treatment.

Hemorrhoid Rubber Band Ligation

Rubber band ligation can be effective on hemorrhoids. First, a medical specialist places a ligator through a scope. The scope is a tube with a light, while the ligator is a medical tool. Next, they insert both pieces of equipment through the anal canal, then remove the hemorrhoid via forceps.

External Hemorrhoid Thrombectomy

External hemorrhoid thrombectomy is recommended if your hemorrhoids have caused blood clots. During this outpatient procedure, the surgeon will cut into the skin near the blood clot, letting out the blood trapped there. You don’t have to receive anesthesia to get a thrombectomy, and it’s generally a short procedure.

Schedule Your Hemorrhoid Treatment at Metropolitan Vascular Institute

Don’t let hemorrhoids take away from your participation in daily life. Contact Metropolitan Vascular Institute to set up an appointment and learn about which hemorrhoid treatment option is right for you. Use the online contact form to request a consultation, or call (301) 374-8540.

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